
B.1. Theodossiou, N., D. Tolikas, Evaluation of open and closed pipe network systems under steady and unsteady conditionsTechnical Chronicles -A, 12(4), 1992.

B.2. Latinopoulos, P., N. Theodossiou, Y. Mylopoulos and N. Mylopoulos, A sensitivity analysis and parametric study for the evaluation of the optimal management of a contaminated aquiferWater Resources Management, 8, 11-31, 1994.

B.3. Mylopoulos, Y.A., N. Theodossiou and N. A. Mylopoulos, A stochastic optimization approach in the remediation design of an aquifer under hydrogeologic ancertainty,  Water Resources Management,13, 335-351, 1999.

B.4. Katsifarakis, K.L., D. K. Karpouzos and N. Theodossiou, Combined use of BEM and genetic algorithms in groundwater flow and mass transport problemsEngineering analysis with boundary elements, 23, 555-565, 1999.

B.5. Mylopoulos, N., Y. Mylopoulos and N. Theodossiou, A joint risk-based decision analysis and stochastic optimization methodology in the remediation design of a contaminated groundwater resource in GreeceCanadian Water Resources Journal, Vol.24, No.3, 187-201, 1999.

B.6. Glezos, M., I. Iakovides, N. Theodossiou and E. Sidiropoulos, When every drop of water counts: Water management in dry islandsGroundwater Pollution Control, K.L. Katsifarakis (ed.), WIT Press, chapter 8, pp.317-366, 1999.

B.7. Theodossiou, N., Evaluation of the distribution of hydraulic head in an aquifer using the Kriging methodScientific Journal of the Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association – Hydrotechnika, Vol9., 3-14, 1999.

Β.8. Latinopoulos, P. and N. Theodossiou, A management framework for the efficient use of surface water resources in Sithonia peninsula (Greece)Global Nest: The International Journal, Vol.3, No2, pp. 145-152, 2001.

Β.9. Theodossiou, N., Application of non-linear simulation and optimization models in groundwater aquifer managementWater Resources Management, 18, 125-141, 2004.

Β.10. Theodossiou, N., and P. Latinopoulos, Evaluation and optimization of groundwater observation networks using the Kriging methodologyEnvironmental Modelling and Software, 21, 991-1000, 2006. (Corrigendum published in vol 22, p. 414, 2007)

B.11. Zorba, A, N. Theodossiou and E. Fotopoulou, Comparison of genetic algorithms and mathematical programming for the problem of excavation dewateringScientific Journal of the Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association – Hydrotechnika, vol 17, pp 3-17, 2007.

B.12. Mitsios, P., Tsilonis, G. and N. Theodossiou, Use of simulation models in the protection of groundwater aquifer systems. Application at the upper Anthemountas basin in ChalkidikiGlobal Nest Journal, Vol.11, No3,, pp.291-297, 2009.

B.13. Latinopoulos, D., Theodossiou, N. and P. Latinopoulos, Combined use of groundwater simulation and multi-criteria analysis within a spatial decision-making framework for the optimal allocation of irrigation water, Spanish Journal of Agricultural research, Vol. 9, No4, pp 1105-1119, 2011.

B.14. Kougias, I., and N. Theodossiou, Application of the Harmony Search optimization algorithm for the solution of the multiple dam system scheduling, Optimization and Engineering, 2011

B.15. Theodossiou, N. and I. Kougias, Harmony Search Algorithm, Heuristc Optimization in Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources, W.I.T. press, chapter 7, pp117-140, 2012.

B.16. Kougias, I., L. Katsifarakis, and N. Theodossiou, Medley multiobjective harmony search algorithm. Application on a water resources management problem, European Water, EW publications, vol 39, pp.41-52, 2012

Β.17. Theodossiou, N., Effect of the uncertainty of aquifer hydrogeological parameters on the delineation of well head protection areas, HYDROTECHNIKA, Journal of the Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association, 2012 (in Greek)

B.18. Kougias, I., and N. Theodossiou, Multiobjective pump scheduling optimization using Harmony Search Algorithm (HAS) and polyphonic HSA, Water Resources Management,  vol 27 (5), pp. 1249-1261, 2013

B.19. Kougias, I., T. Patsialis, N. Theodossiou, and J. Ganoulis, Hydropower projects within a municipal water supply system. Optimum allocation and management using harmony search, Exploring Innovative and Successful Applications of Soft Computing, book chapter, 2013

Β.20. Kougias, I., T. Patsialis, A. Zafirakou and N. Theodossiou, Exploring the potential of energy recovery using micro hydropower systems in water supply systems, Water Utility Journal, 7, pp. 25-33, 2014.

B.21. Patsialis, T, I. Kougias, J. Ganoulis, and N. Theodossiou, Sustainable development of existing irrigation dams towards energy production. A case study in an agricultural area in Greece, Economics of Water Management in Agriculture, CRC Press, chapter 12, 270-294, 2015.

B.22. E. Tziritis, E., Tzamos E., Vogiatzis P., Matzari C., Kantiranis N., Filippidis A., Theodosiou N., and K. Fytianos, Quality assessment and hydrogeochemical status of potable water reserves in a sub-urban area of northern Greece (Thermi Municipality, central Macedonia), Desalination and Water Treatment, doi: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1052993, 1 (10), 2015.  

B.23. Theodossiou, N., and E. Fotopoulou, Delineating well-head protection areas under conditions of hydrogeological uncertainty. A case-study application in northern Greece, Environmental Processes, doi 10.1007/s40710-015-0087-1, 2015.

Β.24. Yannopoulos, S, Lyberatos,G., Theodossiou, N., Li, W., Valipour, M., Tamburrino, A., and Angelakis, A., Evolution of Water Lifting Devices (Pumps) over the Centuries Worldwide, Water, (7),5031-5060, doi: 10.3390/w7095031, 2015

B.25. Kougias, Ι., D. Karakatsanis, A. Malatras, F. Monforti-Ferrario, and N. Theodossiou, Renewable energy production management with a new harmony search optimization toolkit, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s10098-016-1173-4, 2016.

Β.26. Dota, A. and N. Theodossiou, Water footprint estimation of the agricultural activities in the regional unit of Karditsa. Hydrotechnica,25(2), pp.13-26, 2016.

B.27. Theodossiou, N., Assessing the impacts of climate change on the sustainability of groundwater aquifers. Application in Moudania aquifer in N. Greece, Environmental Processes,3, pp.1045-1061, 2016.

B.28.  Patsialis, Th., I. Kougias, N. Kazakis, N. Theodossiou and P. Droege, Supporting renewables’ penetration in remote areas by transforming non-powered dams, Special Issue “Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems in Remote Sites”, Energies (9), doi:10.3390/en9121054, 2016.

Β.29.  Dota. Α., N. Theodossiou and V. Dotas, Water footprint assessment in beef and dairy cattle production, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, accepted for publication.

B.30. Panteli, N.-M., and N. Theodossiou, Analysis of groundwater level measurements. Application in the Moudania aquifer in Greece, European Water Journal, E.W. publications (55), pp.79-89. 2016.

B.31. Dota, A., N. Theodossiou and V. Dotas, Pressures on water resources of sheep and goats production in the Regional Unit of Karditsa employing the water footprint approach. European Water Journal, E.W. publications (55), pp.21-30. 2016.

B.32. Sevastas, S., I. Siarkos, N. Theodossiou, I. Ifadis, Establishing wellhead protection areas and managing point and non-point pollution sources to support groundwater protection in the aquifer of Upper Anthemountas, Greece, Water Utility Journal, E.W publications, (16), pp. 81-95, 2017

B.33. Patsialis, Th, I. Kougias, N. Theodossiou, P. Droege, A technical study on energy storage and management for grid optimization in isolated areas, International Journal of Renewable Energy Sources, (2), pp. 48-54, ISBN 2367-9123, 2017

B.34. Antoniou, M., N. Theodossiou, D. Karakatsanis, Coupling groundwater simulation and optimization models, using MODFLOW and Harmony Search Algorithm, Journal of Desalination and Water Treatment, 86, 00. 297-304, 2017

B.35. Patrikaki, O., N. Kazakis, I. Kougias, Th. Patsialis, N. Theodossiou, K. Voudouris, Assessing flood hazard at river basin scale with an index-based approach: The case of Mouriki, Greece, Geosciences, 8 (50); doi:10.3390/geosciences8020050, 2018.

B.36. Sevastas, S., Siarkos, I., Theodossiou, N., Ifadis, I., Evaluating the use of measured and/or open access data in watershed modeling through an integrated modeling procedure, Desalination and Water Treatment, 133, 268-282, doi: 10.5004/dwt.2018.23002, 2018

B.37. Kougias, I., Szador, S., Nikitas, A., Theodossiou, N., Sustainable energy modelling of non-interconnected Mediterranean islands, Renewable Energy, 133, 930-940, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2018.10.090, 2019.

B.38    Kougias, I, Aggidis, G., Avellan, F., Deniz, S., Lundin, U., Moro, A., Muntean, S., Novara, D., Pérez-Díaz, Quaranta, E., Schild, P., Theodossiou, N., Analysis of emerging technologies in the hydropower sector, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 113, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2019.109257, 2019.

B.39   Kralli, V.E., Theodossiou, N., Karambas, Th., Optimal design of Overtopping Breakwater for Energy Conversion (OBREC) systems using the Harmony Search Algorithm, Frontiers in Energy Research 7:80., doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2019.00080, 2019.

B.40.  Mavratzoti, Ai., Basdeki, Ai., Theodossiou, N. Numerical study of rain garden application in Toumba Thessaloniki, Greece, HYDROTECNICA Scientific Journal of the Greek Hydrotechnical Association, 30, 85-98, 2020.

B.41.  Liapis, Ch. Vafiadis, M., Mallios, Z., Theodosiou, N., Applying genetic programming for leak detection in water supply networks, Water Utility Journal, accepted for publication.

B.42.  Pires, S., Mapar, M., Nicolau, M., Patrizi, N., Malandrakis, G., Pulselli, F., Nicolau, P., Caeiro, S., Niccolucci, V., Theodossiou, N., Galli, A., Teaching Sustainability within the context of everyday life: steps towards achieving the SDGs through the EUSTEPs approach, Frontiers in Education, Vol. 7,  https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.639793, 2022.

B.43.  Soeiro, A., Poças Martins, J., Zavrski, I., Theodossiou, N., Meszaros, P., Sidani, A., CSETIR—Construction Safety with Education and Training Using Immersive Reality. In: Arezes, P., et al. Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health II. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 277. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-41486-3_6, 2020.

B.44.  Theodossiou, N., Patsika, K., Optimal Design and financial feasibility of Overtopping Breakwater for Energy Conversion (OBREC) Systems, W. Leal Filho et al. (eds.), Affordable and Clean Energy, Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71057-0_156-1, 2021.

B.45.  Voulanas, D., Theodosiou, N., Hatzigiannakis, E. Assessment of potential hydrological climate change impacts in the Kastoria basin (Western Macedonia, Greece) using EURO CORDEX regional climate models, Global NEST Journal, Vol 23, No 1, pp 43-54, 2021.

B.46.  Koutsovili, E.I., Tzoraki, O., Theodossiou, N., Gaganis, G., Numerical Assessment of Climate Change Impact on the Hydrological Regime of a small Mediterranean River Basin, Lesvos Island, Greece, Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/ahr-2021-0022, Volume 24: Issue 1, pp28-48, 2021.

B.47.  Karakatsanis, D., Theodossiou, N., Smart Hydropower Water Distribution Networks, Use of Artificial Intelligence Methods and Metaheuristic Algorithms to Generate Energy from Existing Water Supply Networks, Energies, Special Issue “A New Water-Energy Nexus: The Transition to Sustainable Energy”, 15, 5166. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15145166, 2022.

B.48.  Koundouri, P., Theodossiou, N., Ioannidis, Y., Papageorgiou, H., Papandreou, A., Papadaki, L., and Stavridis C., Accelerating science driven blue growth via a competitive intelligence cloud/HPC platform for AI-based STI policy making, Environ. Sci. Proc. 2021, 3, x. https://doi.org/10.3390/, 2021.

B.49.  Siarkos, I., Sevastas, S., Mallios, Z., Theodossiou, N., Ifadis, I., Investigating groundwater vulnerability variation under future abstraction scenarios to estimate optimal pumping reduction rates, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 598, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126297, 2021.

B.50    Moreno Pires, S., Mapar, M., Nicolau, M., Patrizi, N., Malandrakis, G., Pulselli F.M., Bacelar-Nicolau, P., Caeiro, S., Niccolucci, V., Theodossiou, N.P., Mancini, M.S., and Galli, A., Teaching Sustainability within the context of everyday life: Steps toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through the EUSTEPs Module. Front. Educ. 7:639793. DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2022.63979, 2022.

B.51    Zarotiadis, G., Pavel V. Stroev, A., Dudnik, I., Feleki, E., Konishchev, E., Mitkas, P., Moussiopoulos, N., Sikalidis, A., Stavridis, Ch., Theodossiou, N., and Tsarouchis, S.T., Feasibility Study for a Black Sea SDGs Observatory, Environ. Sci. Proc., 15, 55. https://doi.org/10.3390/environsciproc2022015055, 2022.

B.52    Frysali, D., Mallios, Z., Theodossiou, N., Hydrologic modeling of the Aliakmon River in Greece using HEC–HMS and open data, Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, https://doi.org/10.1007/s41207-023-00374-2, 2023.

B.53    Papadaki, L., Stavridis, Ch., Koundouri, Ph., Grypari, I., Kazbek, M., Papageorgiou, H., Theodossiou, N., A series of Preparatory Living Lab workshops as the enabler of a co-creation ecosystem under the IntelComp platform, Front. Environ. Econ., Sec. Economics of Climate Change, Volume 2,  https://doi.org/10.3389/frevc.2023.1100493, 2023

B.54    Theodossiou, N., Stavridis, Ch., The Socio-Economic Pillar of the Sustainable Development Goals, Handbook of Research on Socio-Economic Sustainability in the Post-Pandemic Era, eds. Jozef Oleński, Jeffrey Sachs, Masayuki Susai, Υannis Τsekouras, Arjan Gjonça, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9760-6.ch015, 2023.

B.55    Soeiro, A., Theodossiou, N., Spisakova, M., Poças Martins, J., Zavrski, I., Work-in-Progress: Construction Safety Using Visual Technological Support. In: Auer, M.E., Tsiatsos, T. (eds) New Realities, Mobile Systems and Applications., vol 411. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-96296-8_71, 2022.

B.56    Koundouri, Ph., Theodossiou, N., Ioannidis, I., Papageorgiou, Ch., Papandreou, A., Papadaki, L., Stavridis, Ch., The acceleration of blue growth through a Cloud/HPC platform for decision making, Pandemic, Sea and Humans in Greece, Laskaridis Foundation Publications, 2022.

B.57    Kirlas, M., Karpouzos, D., Georgiou, P., Theodossiou, N., A GIS-Based Comparative Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Using Modified-DRASTIC, Modified-SINTACS and NV Index in a Porous Aquifer, Greece, Environments, MDPI, 10, 95. https://doi.org/10.3390/environments10060095, 2023.

B.58    Koutsovili, E.I., Tzoraki. Ou., Theodosiou, N., Tsekouras, G., Early flood monitoring and forecasting system: A (Hybrid) Physical-Data Driven Approach in small urban streams, International journal of Geo-information, MDPI, 2023.

B.59    Tsiarapas, A., Mallios, Z., Theodossiou, N., Investigating the potential of groundwater recycling as an alternative to groundwater trading in terms of resource efficiency, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scp.2023.101112, 2023.

B.60    Karakatsanis, D., Patsialis, T., Kalaitzidou, K., Kougias, I., Ntona, M.M., Theodossiou, N., Kazakis, N., Optimization of Dam Operation and Interaction with Groundwater: An Overview Focusing on Greece. Water15, 3852. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15213852, 2023

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